It's spring time, the blossoms are beautiful, the sun is shining, there are more people out and the nasty cold has gone. I've now been living in Seoul South Korea for 8 weeks and I feel the initial honey moon period is over. :(
I was told this would happen by everyone who I have met and have been here for longer. I remember thinking, but how could you get bored here, its fascinating, there is so much to see, it is so different. The naive thoughts of a newbie.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not bored, I'm not homesick it just turns out that life gets in the way. Let me explain.
Basically I realised that I can't keep going the way I did for the first month I was here. I seemed to have a never ending supply of energy, I visited a new place each night for dinner, I met up with new and exciting people all the time. I walked for hours around new places and over planned at work because I had so many ideas. Don Don Don. A month later and reality hits. Working a 9-5 job totally zaps the energy out of me. By the time I finish work all I want to do is go home and have a feed and chill out. Last week I pushed myself to do something after work each night but this week I've been out once and that was enough for me. It's a really weird feeling because I want to see everything and there are so many opportunites to meet up with people but then I simply do not have the energy. Basically I think it all comes down to the fact that although I truly love my job I wish I could just travel for the year and have more than 2 full days a week to explore. But I guess that is life huh, unless maybe I can find myself a rich man who can pay for my wunderlustful life style. (comment below if you fit this criteria) Bahahaha keep dreaming SAM.
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