It had to happen at some time or the other, and homesickness sure came in a big way. Sunday I was a mess, didn't get out of bed, slept, didn't eat. I ended up crying out loud come 9pm and knew I had to do something about it. So I searched skype and facebook for someone to talk to but had no luck. It took all the courage I had to ring someone I had only just met, but I'm glad I did. I rang my new friend Sam who lives an hour away and cried and wept through the phone to her. She was so great, told me to calm down, sleep the night away and put on a brave face come the morning.
Monday morning came and I managed to put a brave face on but inside I was a quivering mess. Managed to have a quick skype with mum which calmed me a bit and ended up telling my work mates that I was feeling homesick hence the quietness. It was quite good to be honest actually because one of the girls lived in NZ and China for 2 years and she told me how she coped with homesickness. Her advise was to study by day and drink by night which made me laugh.
My kids are so incredibly cute that I couldn't help but turn that frown upside down and come home time I was feeling relatively normal again. During the day I had made a decision though and that was that I needed to start cooking. It's been nine weeks since I cooked a meal and that seems crazy to me because before I left I was cooking every weeknight at work and often at home. Cooking is something I enjoy and am good at so I decided to spend the extra money and start it up again. (Grocery shopping here is actually more expensive then eating out, crazy huh).
So I got home and whipped up a home made meal............
A beautifully delicious egg, ham and mushroom sammie mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Ok, ok it's not exactly a gourmet meal but for me it was precisely what I needed and topped off with my Watties homestyle sauce (thanks Kevin) it was beautiful. The simple action of preparing a meal instantly relaxed my mind and gave me great satisfaction.
The next day I was craving the same thing but mixed it up a bit by making a three egg omelet with added onion and capsicum.
Had to break it into three as my plate is so incy.
I had bought quite a few veges and as I have dinner dates tomo and friday I decided to cut them up and freeze them. As I was cutting them up I was wondering whether I was meant to freeze them raw or cooked so I did a quick magic google search. On my new phone I might add, where I simply speak into it and say "search how to freeze veges" and just like that this site popped up which I found incredible.
Not only does it tell you how to prepare the veges for freezing but breaks it down into each individual vege. I had not realised how complicated it all was. Decided I didn't have much better to do with my time so here's a quick lesson on how to freeze carrots, capsicum and onions because I just know you want to know lol.
Chop your veges to desired size
Blanch the carrots for 3 minutes in boiling water
Drain and soak in iced cold water for 3 minutes. (ideally use a large bowel but I'm working with what I've got here)
(note to self next time do not have the washing machine going at the same time, the spin cycle just about knokced all my hard work on the floor).
Lay raw capsicum and blanched carrot in a single layer and freeze for 30 mins.
Didn't have a tray so just used the freezer shelf
My freezer also doubles as a dressing table lol.
Mix carrots, capsicum and raw onion to make your own frozen veges.
So now it is Wednesday and the homesickness has all but disappeared. It did help talking with my besties Jess and Suzy back home and I realised that Korea is the place that I need to be now.
I was watching Pretty Little Liars last night and oh so sexy Ezra Fitz said this " A quote by Joseph Cambell. It goes... you must give up the life you had planned in order to have the life that is waiting for you".
I'll leave you with those words to think about.
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