I have now officially been in Korea for 148 days ,12,787,200 seconds, 213,120 minutes, 3552 hours, 21 weeks (rounded down) and I am unsure how much longer it will be. I know for sure that I will not leave (if I have to) until September as my wonderful Mum and Sister are coming to visit for a week. I really do not want to leave this country but everything boils down to my job and at the moment I feel that my position is on shaky grounds.
All was good until my pay stopped coming and now it has been over 6 weeks with no money in the bank. I have been assured that this will be resolved, but I am unsure how long I can go with this unknowing. If I was at home I would have already left the company and seeked a position elsewhere but it is harder in Korea as the company you work for supply your work visa and your accommodation. If I leave tomorrow I would basically have to move home and even if I did find another job I could only start it with a release letter from my current employer. It is all so annoying and unsettling. I work so hard to make sure my students are learning and reaching their full potential and I'm also putting my blood, sweat and tears into writing a yearly curriculum for the school which may shut down.
I'm in two minds, the heart is telling me to just continue as normal, keep growing as a teacher, keep learning and keep loving life. The brain is telling me to stop working for free and get the hell out before the company go bust and owe me a lot of money.
Any advise??????
What ever happens I know that I will never regret this life decision and believe in the words by Asha Tyson.
"Your journey has molded you for your greater good, and it was exactly what it needed to be. Don't think that you've lost time. There is no short-cutting to life. It took each and every situation you have encountered to bring you to the now. And now is right on time."
-- Asha Tyson
Living in Korea has allowed me to grow as a person, a teacher, a friend and a daughter. I have had the time to find myself and now know what I want for the next part of my life. I have learned who my real friends are, the value of living each day to the fullest and most importantly confirmed in my head and heart that I am a wonderful creative and inspiring teacher. This journey has allowed me to see the rest of my life in a very positive light and I look forward to all that will come.
So whether I'm still here for the next six months or starting my new journey in Perth (yes I'm moving to Perth) I am thankful for every day that I am alive and am able to smell the flowers.
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