Thursday, May 24, 2012

Korean Emoticons

Living in Korea you meet Korean people who will text you and facebook  you. You read Korean websites and see Korean everywhere so it kind of comes in handy to know what on earth the meaning of the emoticons are.
I personally think they are spectacular and superior to the western emoticons. Maybe this is because I like cute things, so here is a quick key to the main ones used.

(^_^) = smile

(^o^) = laughing out loud

d(^_^)b = thumbs up (not ears)

(T_T) = sad (it's a crying face)

(-.-)Zzz = sleeping

(Z.Z) = sleepy person

\(^_^)/ = cheers, hurrah

(*^^*) = shyness

(-_-); = sweating (as in ashamed)

(^_^);; = sorry! my mistake

(?_?) = nonsense, I don't know

(^_~) = wink

(o.O) = surprise

-(O_O)-  = shocked

v(^_^)v = victory

(>^_^)> = hugging

(>^_^)> <(^_^<) = hugging each other 

or ㅗ  = middle finger

>))))'> = a fish

>))))'><'((((< = kissing fish 

<')++++< = a fish bone

Vm~ = a fox

() () = a rabbit

(^(oo)^) = a pig

(( )) = a bird

()()() ()()()
(-(-(-.-)-)-) = rabbit gang

= = = = :} = a snake

@}-;--`-- = a rose

>(/////)< = a candy

=]::::::> = a sword

---E = a fork

______|\____\o/_____ = Shark attack.

||||||////////////////### = Cigarette break

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Used to make a statement more friendly, especially at the end of conversation. 


Shape of a person fallen on the floor in representation of a failure or mistake.
(O - head, T - torso and arms, L - legs)

요TL = someone in a similar position throwing up

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